Singing Guide: Ana Laura

Singing Guide: Ana Laura

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Ana Laura is a Mexican singer with a versatile voice that ranges from mezzo-soprano to soprano. She is known for her emotional and powerful performances. If you want to learn to sing like Ana Laura, there are several things you can do to develop your voice and style.

Technique and Vocal Range

Ana Laura has a powerful voice that can reach high notes with ease. She often employs a mixed voice technique, a combination of chest and head voice, to achieve a more balanced sound in the higher range. To learn Ana Laura's vocal style, start by identifying your own voice type using the vocal range test tool on Singing Carrots.

Once you have established your voice type, you can begin working on your technique. Be sure to check out Singing Carrots' articles on breathing basics, voice registers and vocal break, and breath support to help develop your skills.

Songs to Practice

Ana Laura has a broad repertoire, but some of her most iconic songs include:

  • "Como Olvidar"
  • "No Me Sueltes"
  • "Entre tu y yo"

To practice singing like Ana Laura, try starting with these songs and paying attention to her phrasing, intonation, and emotion. Don't forget to check out Singing Carrots' search tool to find other songs that match your vocal range and genre preference.

Additional Tips

To further develop your singing skills, be sure to check out Singing Carrots' singing course, which covers singing theory and practical tips. You may also benefit from exploring articles on topics such as vocal distortion and growling and singing with emotion and intuition.

Finally, to keep track of your progress as you develop your voice and style, use Singing Carrots' progress statistics feature. This tool allows you to monitor your singing improvement over time, giving you a clear picture of your strengths and areas for improvement.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.